A big “Thank You”. That’s what «La Casa del Sole» and «Una mano alla vita» sent to the donors for the campaign «Emergenza Covid-19», started by CELIM in the most intense moment of the coronavirus epidemic. Our NGO, which has been engaged for years in cooperation projects in developing countries, has also taken the field in Italy to support frontline agencies in the fight against the pandemic. Thanks to the generosity of many CELIM friends and supporters, in just a few weeks we raised 5.890 euros, which have been divided equally between the two realities.
«We thank you very much for your sensibility and generosity, and we are moved by this! — writes the responsible of “La Casa del Sole”, cooperative that deals with the elderly and disabled in Milan -. With the funds we received from CELIM, we were able to purchase 2 scanner thermometers to protect administrative staff and anyone who enters in our offices to start or ask information about a care path. Thanks to your precious help we are guaranteeing continuity of care for our patients and our workers safety through the purchase of the following equipment: disposable non-surgical gowns, surgical masks (which we have distributed to the most fragile patients and the most disadvantaged categories), visors, disposable gloves and bottles of hand sanitizer».
A thank you also sent by «Una mano alla vita», an agency which deals with the care and assistance, at home and in hospital, of patients with end-stage diseases. The funds received will cover the expenses for the already made purchases of masks, oximeters, gowns, water-repellent suits, overshoes, and headgear. «The contribution guaranteed by CELIM — explain the managers of the organization — has been fundamental for the purchase of individual protective devices that we have provided to the palliative care units that we support and that operate both in the hospital and in the home service. For our part, we thank again the donors and CELIM for their contribution».
This initiative from CELIM was able to mobilize a lot of people in the emergency. They are friends who have expressed their solidarity generously. We from CELIM come together with «La Casa del Sole» and «Una mano alla vita» to thank them with all our hearts.