Zambezia is one of the poorest provinces in Mozambique, with a poverty rate that increased from 41% in 2008 to 55% in 2015. The region also has high rates of chronic (38%) and acute (18%) malnutrition.
Project objectives :reducing the malnutrition rate by 2021 by boosting and diversifying agricultural production; increasing the income of farming families by promoting the local processing and sale of products.
100 fish farmers, 100 beekeepers and 1200 students in the 4 districts
200 people involved in 8 training sessions on fish farming and beekeeping
Construction of 3 multi-service centres in Namarroi, Derre and Gilé
The poverty and food insecurity of Zambezia originate from scarce and little diversified agricultural products, poor crop management and unsustainable rural development. The backwardness of agricultural practices, combined with extreme climatic events suchas floods and droughts, result in very poor and inadequate crop yields. The “cut and burn” practice, used to fertilize a plot of land, is a very common practice that eventually leads to land impoverishment and desertification.
Agricultural production is based almost exclusively on rice, corn and cassava. The nutritional power of the latter is very low. Moreover, the post-production processes of crops are not adequate, and this prevents the development of on-site trade and export: production is only just enough for subsistence.
Fish farming and beekeeping are present, yet little developed. As far as the first one is concerned, the supply of feed is greatly hindered by transport difficulties and high costs. On top of this, the knowledge on conservation and processing techniques is limited.
As for beekeeping, honey is produced using archaic techniques and rudimentary equipment and the resulting low-quality product is therefore difficult to sell.
Lastly, the new generations, representing more than 50% of the population, do not possess the skills needed to cope with an emergency situation and do not know how to secure houses and fields nor how the available natural resources should be managed.
To address these issues, the intervention focuses on an increase in and a greater diversification of agricultural production. Post-production processes will also be optimized and the ability to adapt crops to extreme climate changes will be improved. The project’s key point will therefore be thecreation of 300 more resistant plantations, characterised by a better yield and the smallest possible impact on the environment.
The project also envisages the consolidation of fish farming and beekeeping. To this end, 100 breeding tanks for tilapia will be installed and fish-processing ovens and driers will be built.
600 beehives will also be put in place for beekeeping and two honey processing centres will be created, which will be linked to the local Cizenda Tae Cooperative.
For both activities, training courses will be organized for 100 fish farmers and 100 beekeepers. While mostly bringing economic benefits, the improvement of the production system will also boost social emancipation, at the same time, enhancing the role and skills of women.
The intervention will also target education in schools, and training activities on Environmental Education will be organised both in Mozambique and in Italy.
Project’s overview
The overall objective of the project is to help boost food security in the province of Zambezia by developing sustainable and resilient agri-food supply chains in the districts of Derre, Lugela, Namarroi and Gilé.
CELIM’s activities as part of a larger project are:
Ultimate goal: increasing and diversifying agricultural production, improving post-production processes, as well as the ability to adapt to climate events.
Project Title
Agri-SMART: sostenere lo sviluppo resiliente ed inclusivo dei distretti di Gilé, Lugela, Derre e Namarroi in Zambezia
Project Manager
Marco Andreoni,
April 2018/January 2022
Project leader
ELIANTE – Società Cooperativa Sociale Eliante Onlus
Fondazione PIME Onlus
Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo” – Uniurb
Università degli Studi di Milano – Dipartimento di Scienze
Agrarie e Ambientali
Carbon Sink Group